User Guide for Duke


Duke is your personal chatbot who is capable of managing your task.

Some of the task that Duke can manage are Todo, Deadline and Event.


Below are the list of command that you can key in to interact with Duke.

  1. Add Task
    1. Input: todo j
      Example: todo CS2113 Homework
      Command: Add a Todo Task with String description j.

    2. Input: deadline j /by d
      Example: deadline CS2113 Homework /by 2020-04-15 16:00
      Command: Add a Deadline Task with String description j, followed by “/by”, then the corresponding due date in YYYY-MM-DD format and the time in HH:MM format.

    3. Input: event j /at d
      Example: deadline CS2113 Homework /at 2020-04-15 16:00
      Command: Add a Event Task with String description j, followed by “/at”, then the corresponding date in YYYY-MM-DD format and the time in HH:MM format.

  2. List Task
    Input: list
    Example: list
    Command: List out all the stored task.

  3. Complete Task
    Input: done i
    Example: done 3
    Command: Mark Task i as done, where i is the corresponding Task number.

  4. Delete Task
    Input: delete i
    Example: delete 3
    Command: Delete Task i, where i is the corresponding Task number.

  5. Find Task
    Input: find j
    Example: find Homework
    Command: Find all the task with description that contains the word/phrase j.

  6. Help
    Input: help
    Command: List out all the commands

  7. Exit
    Input: bye
    Command: Terminate the program and automatically help you store the Task into your hard disk with directory ../data/Duke.txt
    Note: Duke will help you take care of creating a folder and txt file if one does not already exist.

Summary of Commands

Index Input Command
01 todo description Add a todo task with description
02 deadline description /by YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM Add a deadline task description and due date
03 event description /at YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM Add a event task description and due date
04 list List out all the stored task
05 done index Mark task index as done
06 delete index Delete task index
07 find description Find all task containing the description
08 help List out all the commands
09 bye Terminate the program and store all Task into hard disk